Forestation Division

Sid Group has strong credentials when it comes to environmental protection activities.

Sid Group has undertaken large forestation and environmental development projects across the country. The largest being SidRanch in Cholistan which will have over 100,000 forest variety trees, free range livestock, date orchards and traditional crops. 

SidAgri (Private) Limited has started a forestation project of it's own kind near Malak Mala village in Attock District. This tree reservoir mainly has Poplar Deltitus - a fast growing tree - that is used by match, furniture and packaging industries.

Sid Group also manages elaborate forest variety nurseries that supply saplings nationwide.              

SidRanch Bahawalpur

Preparation of land

Plantation of sapling

Plantation of sapling


Sid Group has launched a reforestation and agricultural farm -SidRanch- in Cholistan desert in the vicinity of Bahawalpur. The land is being prepared to plant over 100,000 Kikar saplings at SidRanch

Plantation of sapling

Plantation of sapling

Plantation of sapling


Kikar saplings are being planted on the land prepared earlier.


Plantation of sapling



First irrigation of the newly planted Kikar saplings. The Kikar is planted in furrows which makes irrigation more efficient.


Traditional Crops



SidRanch has a sizeable population of free range livestock including both small and large ruminants.

Date Orchard

Traditional Crops

Traditional Crops


SidRanch has a date orchard and also markets date palm saplings.

Traditional Crops

Traditional Crops

Traditional Crops


Traditional crops such as Wheat, Mustard, Lentil and Fodder are also grown at SidRanch.

Malak Mala Project


SidAgri (Private) Limited has launched a forestation project near Malak Mala in Attock District which promotes industrial trees.


The Malak Mala Project has Poplar Deltitus forest intercropped with Pine and ornamental plants. It's a unique idea of maximizing the use of land and other resources.

Forest Plants